Technology & Security

Our commitment to digital protection and safety

At Andco, we understand that trust is the foundation of our client relationships. In today’s online world, trust in technology and network security is paramount. Andco recognise the primary importance of providing a secure and resilient infrastructure to safeguard the information that we are entrusted with. We continually invest in state-of-the-art technology and our commitment to cybersecurity and network resilience allows our clients to have confidence in our ability to protect their information and ensure the continuity of their operations.

Cybersecurity is a top priority for us. We implement and maintain robust security measures, including advanced firewalls, encryption protocols and multi-factor authentication to protect against unauthorised access and data breaches.

Andco strictly adheres to applicable data protection laws and regulations, and we have stringent data protection policies and procedures ensuring that your information is handled securely and in compliance with industry standards.

In addition to cyber security, we place great emphasis on network resilience. We have built a robust network infrastructure with significant redundancy that is designed to withstand potential disruptions and minimise downtime. Our systems are regularly monitored and undergo rigorous testing to identify and address any vulnerabilities or weaknesses. We continuously update and improve our infrastructure to stay ahead of potential issues and ensure uninterrupted service for our clients.

We are able to provide our clients with peace of mind, knowing that their data is secure and their operations are protected.

Intruder | An Effortless Vulnerability Scanner

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We would enjoy hearing about your ambitions and welcome the opportunity to explore how we can help you.